What are “UWorld Cars” like?

This is a brief review UWorld Cars

UWorld Cars is the closest third-party CARS resource to match the AAMC style. Particularly, the way most questions are written is representative of the AAMC logic.

If you have it, I recommend it highly

The main problem is the difficulty. UWorld Cars Passages can be very difficult. On average, you should expect to score significantly lower on UWorld Cars than on the AAMC. My students often see a difference between 10-20%.

This is not a problem if you do well on CARS. Keep in mind that UWorld Cars Questions can be more difficult than you think, so don’t place too much importance on your score.

However, if your CARS scores are Stroller Bike low and you have a history of struggling with it, this can make things more difficult. Your score may be very low or much lower than what you are used to. This is fine if you can use the passages and don’t get too invested in your score. If it begins to drain your confidence, you may want to look for another resource.

{ (Note: sometimes on forums people refer to UWorld Cars Carsales “UEarth.” So if you saw that and you were wondering if that’s the same thing as UWorld…it is.)|(Note: Sometimes people refer to UWorld Cars Carsales UEarth on forums. So if you noticed that and wondered if it’s the same thing like UWorld…it certainly is.}


The AAMC readings are a good match for the majority of the time. They share the same range of topics and writing styles.

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They are, on average, a bit more difficult than the AAMC readings but not enough to be a problem.

The only problem is that UWorld Cars seems to write the readings, which is not the case with the AAMC, where they are drawn from published sources such as books, journal articles, magazines and the like. This results in UWorld Cars Passages I believe are not as logically sound. This makes them less accurate in presenting the AAMC material.

Interface UWorld Cars

Interface is the best you can ask for. It is very similar to the real exam, and it has the exact same features as the actual exam.

You can create sets with as many questions as you like, filter the type of passages that you want to see and time them or not. You can also use a lot of helpful features to review the passages.


The cheapest Plan costs $219 for 90 days access. This is quite expensive at the moment I am writing this. However, you get the entire question bank with 1900+ questions and the science sections for that price. Science content also is great so I recommend buying it if you have the opportunity.